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RSSSchool Total of 594 famous quotes  

Ruby Bridges
Barbara Henry: This school was ordered to integrate. If you continue to separate Rudy then you're ...
by Ruby Bridges
1 votes   284 views  

Tummler: [voiceover] Without wood, there'd be no America. No ships to bring the pilgrims across the ...
by Gummo
0 votes   277 views  
Elaine Paige
One was never taught how to begin at drama school. But all it required was ...
by Elaine Paige
0 votes   272 views  
The Virgin Suicides
Narrator: In the end, Parkie won because of the Cadillac, Kevin Head because he had the ...
by The Virgin Suicides
0 votes   270 views  
Dennis Rodman
Chemistry is a class you take in high school or college, where you figure out ...
by Dennis Rodman
0 votes   268 views  
Pineapple Express
Saul: [giving 3 schoolboys pineapple express] If anyone asks, you got it from Sau - -I ...
by Pineapple Express
0 votes   268 views  
Bob Munro: So where do you park your hat? Travis Gornicke: Behind that wheel there, that's our ...
by RV
0 votes   268 views  
[Sayle's security guard faces off with Alex. Alex bows. The guard returns the bow - ...
by Stormbreaker
0 votes   267 views  
Gracie Allen
Smartness runs in my family. When I went to school I was so smart my ...
by Gracie Allen
0 votes   266 views  
Caron Butler
This is an opportunity right here, ... You pray for situations like this. To be ...
by Caron Butler
0 votes   263 views  
Point Break
Johnny Utah: I went to law school - I got a football scholarship!
by Point Break
0 votes   263 views  
David Horowitz
When schools produce students who learned to think on the left or on the right, ...
by David Horowitz
0 votes   261 views  
Amare Stoudemire
What I`ve achieved now is something that I always figured I would as a kid. ...
by Amare Stoudemire
0 votes   261 views  
Control Room
Samir Khader: Between us, if I'm offered a job at Fox News, I'll take it. Instantly. ...
by Control Room
0 votes   260 views  
Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World
Majeed: I was the funniest one in school... and the funniest one in explosives training.
by Looking For Comedy In The Muslim World
0 votes   258 views  
A Few Good Men
Galloway: Lieutenant, how long have you been in the Navy? Kaffee: Going on nine months now. Galloway: And ...
by A Few Good Men
0 votes   255 views  
Sister Act
Vince: How can you let them grill me there for six hours? Larry: I can't control how ...
by Sister Act
0 votes   254 views  
[first lines] Teacher: We're forced to handle the challenges of ESL. Different cultural traditions, everything they ...
by Arranged
0 votes   253 views  
Sister Aloysius Beauvier: [about a boy who was sent home with a bloody nose] He's a ...
by Doubt
0 votes   251 views  
Doug Bradley
With tuition increases, students from the lower two-fifths of the income level are coming to ...
by Doug Bradley
0 votes   250 views  
Julie White
One of the (high school) teachers had been to the Fringe festival and she told ...
by Julie White
0 votes   249 views  
Anywhere But Here
Ann: You don't have a job in the Los Angeles school district. Adele: I have an interview, ...
by Anywhere But Here
0 votes   249 views  
Music and Lyrics
Alex Fletcher: You don't think that going to a party and telling the hostess that she ...
by Music And Lyrics
0 votes   246 views  
Oscar Robertson
You see what happens in college and high school games today - a three-point shot ...
by Oscar Robertson
0 votes   244 views  
Kelly Kole
In High School I was voted `Class Flirt` although I didn`t see it, but everyone ...
by Kelly Kole
0 votes   241 views  
Bob Costas: It's hard to believe that just five years ago this game was played only ...
by BASEketball
0 votes   241 views  
The Brady Bunch Movie
Peter Brady: If mom and dad have to sell the house, we'll have to move. Bobby ...
by The Brady Bunch Movie
0 votes   241 views  
Herbert Hoover
No greater nor more affectionate honor can be conferred on an American than to have ...
by Herbert Hoover
0 votes   240 views  
Elijah Kelley
Growing up in Georgia, it was sort of the last place to jump on the ...
by Elijah Kelley
0 votes   240 views  
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Chaka's Production Assistant: Here's your coffee sir. Chaka: Did you spit in it? Chaka's Production Assistant: I didn't ...
by Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back
0 votes   240 views  
David Armstrong
When the board members examined the options, they decided that putting up a new building ...
by David Armstrong
0 votes   238 views  
Carol Vorderman
There is a school of thought that when you hit 40 you should have a ...
by Carol Vorderman
0 votes   238 views  
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
U.N. Representative: So, Mr. Evil... Dr. Evil: It's Dr. Evil, I didn't spend six years in Evil ...
by Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery
0 votes   238 views  
Totally Confused
Johnny: You don't have to sleep with all your friends. This isn't prep-school.
by Totally Confused
0 votes   237 views  
The Princess Diaries
Vice Principal Gupta: Gupta... mmhh... mmhh... mmhh. The Queen is coming... to Grove High School.
by The Princess Diaries
0 votes   236 views  
All the Real Girls
Bust-Ass: Well, I mean, my, you know... I'm not Spanish. That's... I been to school, that's ...
by All The Real Girls
0 votes   235 views  
The Apostle
Sonny: I quit school because I didn't like recess.
by The Apostle
0 votes   235 views  
Problem Child 2
Murph: You don't know who you're talking to. I'm a senior student at this school. Junior: No ...
by Problem Child 2
0 votes   234 views  
James King
We definitely think, in children in particular, that this vaccine is as good or better ...
by James King
0 votes   233 views  
Denise Welch
Fantastic [on School for Seduction]
by Denise Welch
-1 votes   233 views  
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