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On this page we invite you to find where famous people made their studies and also who attended your High-School or College
There are 1664 High-Schools and 862 Universities
Famous High-Schools
Central High-School (12)
Anthony Davis Justin Tuck
Joe Thomas Adam Vinatieri
Tony Gilbert Todd McClure
Jeff Charleston Dwight Smith
Lincoln High-School (11)
Doug Free Brandon McGowan
Jon Kitna Craphonso Thorpe
Jonathan Babineaux P.J. Alexander
Jordan Babineaux Antonio Cromartie
Dillard High-School (9)
Josh Shaw Louis Holmes
Matthias Askew Chris Gamble
Stanley McClover Jovan Haye
Isaac Bruce Pat Sims
Famous Universities
Notre Dame University (461)
Travis Leitko Menil Mavraides
Andy Heck Darrell Campbell
Dave Butler Tim Grunhard
Vontez Duff Tony Peterson
USC University (421)
Howie Tipton Don Burke
Sid Smith George Achica
Mel Bleeker LenDale White
Donnie Hickman Jeff Smith 4
Ohio State University (354)
Antoine Winfield Max Padlow
Hubert Bobo Tim Fox
Mike Current Al Washington
Bob Gaudio Sam Fox
High-Schools by Letter
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