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Carly Patterson
You know, I don`t even really remember. I think he just said, `Good job. Now ...
by Carly Patterson
0 votes   459 views  

Lovely & Amazing
Teenage Boy: [entering photo store] Hey, Splooge! Splooge! The pictures ready yet? You probably splooged all ...
by Lovely & Amazing
0 votes   459 views  
Rita: This is called "Building My Path."... Buddha says, "You cannot travel the path. You are ...
by Temps
0 votes   459 views  
Jerry Lundegaard: I told ya. We haven't had any vehicles go missing. Marge Gunderson: Okay! But are ...
by Fargo
0 votes   459 views  
Murder in the First
Milton Glenn: ln life for every action there is a definite and distinct reaction. Action [cuts ...
by Murder In The First
0 votes   459 views  
In the Line of Fire
[second phone call] Leary: I was worried about you with the motorcade today. You looked like ...
by In The Line Of Fire
0 votes   459 views  
Death Proof
Abernathy: The answer to your question, is no, of course not. Zoë: What do you mean "no ...
by Death Proof
0 votes   459 views  
An Inconvenient Truth
[Looking at a picture of a scientist observing a set of scales that hold the ...
by An Inconvenient Truth
0 votes   459 views  
John Holland
We teach our children that if they go to school and work hard they will ...
by John Holland
0 votes   458 views  
Roll Bounce
Byron: You know i dont like back tracking. Victor: Yeah, we're highly opposed to backtracking Xavier 'X': My ...
by Roll Bounce
0 votes   458 views  
Just My Luck
Jake Hardin: So, other than, uh, you know getting zapped, how's the job working out? Ashley ...
by Just My Luck
0 votes   458 views  
The Fast and the Furious
[after Johnny Tran is arrested] Agent Bilkins: DVD players were purchased legally. All we've got on ...
by The Fast And The Furious
0 votes   458 views  
Cold Mountain
Maddy: See, I think there's a plan. There's a design for each and every one of ...
by Cold Mountain
0 votes   458 views  
The Recruit
Dennis Slayne: [shouting at Burke] Walter! Walter Burke: [stops in his tracks, blinded by the lights] Well, ...
by The Recruit
0 votes   457 views  
Dante Hicks: You ever notice how all the prices end in nine? Damn, that's eerie. Randal ...
by Clerks.
0 votes   457 views  
Curly Branitt: What do we do about them owls? Chuck Muckle: What owls? Curly Branitt: Well, the ones ...
by Hoot
0 votes   457 views  
Jason Davis
You`ve got to step your game up and be ready. In Game One of a ...
by Jason Davis
0 votes   456 views  
Big Fish
Young Ed Bloom: [voice over narration] With my prospects few, I took a job as a ...
by Big Fish
0 votes   456 views  
Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang
The Hooded Fang: [lying to him about his job in a factory] You're gonna have a ...
by Jacob Two Two Meets The Hooded Fang
0 votes   456 views  
True Lies
Harry: You tell on me, I tell on you. Gib: What are you talking about, I'm as ...
by True Lies
0 votes   456 views  
Howard Payne: You think I wouldn't have been prepared? Two years I spent setting up that ...
by Speed
0 votes   456 views  
There Will Be Blood
Plainview: Ladies and gentlemen... I've traveled over half our state to be here tonight. I couldn't ...
by There Will Be Blood
0 votes   456 views  
Joe Jones
You`re in this little sphere, it`s really cold, and you really have to use the ...
by Joe Jones
0 votes   455 views  
Darren Sharper
The toughest thing about being a defensive back in the NFL is you do your ...
by Darren Sharper
0 votes   455 views  
Claire: Did you use that conditioner I brought you? Catherine: No. Shit. I forgot. Claire: Well, it's my ...
by Proof
0 votes   455 views  
Betsy Jobs: You're the smartest person I know. Arlene Lorenzo: But you don't know anybody...
by Dick
0 votes   455 views  
Blues Brothers 2000
Elwood Blues: Seeing as we're kinda like step-brothers, I thought maybe you could help me out. ...
by Blues Brothers 2000
0 votes   455 views  
Thank You for Smoking
Senator Lothridge: Now as we discussed earlier, these warning labels are not for those who know, ...
by Thank You For Smoking
0 votes   454 views  
[first lines] Papa Elf: Oh, hello. You're, uh, you're probably here about the story. Elves love ...
by Elf
0 votes   454 views  
Undercover Brother
Undercover Brother: Wait a minute, how'd the white boy get a job at "the B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D."? The ...
by Undercover Brother
0 votes   454 views  
Jackie Brown
Ordell Robbie: [Ordell has bailed Beaumont out of jail] Look at you and your free ass. ...
by Jackie Brown
0 votes   454 views  
The Hills Have Eyes
Lynn: Hey B. Brenda Carter: Hey. Lynn: How you holding up? Brenda Carter: I am thrilled. Lynn: [laughing] Yea. This ...
by The Hills Have Eyes
0 votes   454 views  
Jared Fogle
I know how long it took me to lose my weight, and people have got ...
by Jared Fogle
0 votes   453 views  
David Murdock
This Core Lab building will be the catalyst for attracting new biotech jobs to the ...
by David Murdock
0 votes   453 views  
Christina Applegate
I started doing radio commercials for Kmart when I was 4. They had to splice ...
by Christina Applegate
0 votes   453 views  
Live Free or Die Hard
Thomas Gabriel: You know, John, I feel like we've gotten off on the wrong foot. And ...
by Live Free Or Die Hard
0 votes   453 views  
American Wedding
Jim's Dad: [Jim's father arrives at the restaurant just as Michelle is secretly giving Jim a ...
by American Wedding
0 votes   453 views  
Freddy Got Fingered
Gord Brody: This is "Little Timmy". He gets us food and stuff. Right, little timmy? Jim: What ...
by Freddy Got Fingered
0 votes   453 views  
FernGully: The Last Rainforest
Zak: What about you, Crysta? What is it that fairies do? Crysta: Do? Zak: Yeah, do you have ...
by FernGully: The Last Rainforest
0 votes   453 views  
Dr. Sayer: [in job interview] It was an immense project. I was to extract 1 decagram ...
by Awakenings
0 votes   453 views  
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