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Al Kaline
What gets me upset about with the newer players is their lack of intensity. They ...
by Al Kaline
0 votes   419 views  

Abdul Hodge
We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always ...
by Abdul Hodge
0 votes   419 views  
Spider-Man 2
Tour Guide: If you buy the Cannonball Kick from the Spidey Store, and I recommend it, ...
by Spider-Man 2
0 votes   419 views  
In Her Shoes
Rose Feller: What are you doing here? Maggie Feller: I live here. What are you doing here? ...
by In Her Shoes
0 votes   419 views  
Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in Our Times
Noam Chomsky: The phrase 'war on terrorism' should always be used in quotes, cause there can't ...
by Power And Terror: Noam Chomsky In Our Times
0 votes   419 views  
Calendar Girls
Chris: I've put our names down for speakers next month: "Chris and Annie: What we learned ...
by Calendar Girls
0 votes   419 views  
American Splendor
Real Harvey: [the real Harvey Pekar introduces his on-screen character] OK. This guy here, he's our ...
by American Splendor
0 votes   419 views  
Purgatory House
Celeste: Silver, this is what you do. You put out this certain image, this certain attitude, ...
by Purgatory House
0 votes   419 views  
Donald Kaufman: Okay, well here's the twist. We find out that, that the killer really suffers ...
by Adaptation.
0 votes   419 views  
Kissing Jessica Stein
Jessica: Wait a second. Are you saying my life has no value? Helen: No! I am saying ...
by Kissing Jessica Stein
0 votes   419 views  
Kit: [looking around] Hey! Freddy? Dave: You heard me Kincade, don't act dumb! Where's the plutonium? Kit: Key, ...
by Bowfinger
0 votes   419 views  
Suicide Kings
Avery Chasten: He had nothing to do with Elise's kidnapping, he had nothing to do with ...
by Suicide Kings
0 votes   419 views  
L.A. Confidential
Lynn Bracken: There's blood on your jacket. Is that an integral part of your job? Bud ...
by L.A. Confidential
0 votes   419 views  
Goodbye Lover
Jake Dunmore: I don't even know why do you keep doing this stuff, working on church... ...
by Goodbye Lover
0 votes   419 views  
4 Little Girls
Chris McNair: You must understand that a Bull Connor can not exist without the nods of ...
by 4 Little Girls
0 votes   419 views  
The Birdcage
Albert: No good? Armand: Actually, it's perfect. I just never realized John Wayne walked like that.
by The Birdcage
0 votes   419 views  
Get Shorty
Chili Palmer: How did you get in here? Ray Bones: It was easy. I told 'em I ...
by Get Shorty
0 votes   419 views  
The Lion King
Scar: [after forcing Simba to the edge of a cliff while a fire burns below] Oh, ...
by The Lion King
0 votes   419 views  
Demolition Man
Chief George Earle: We can just wait for another code to go red. And when Phoenix ...
by Demolition Man
0 votes   419 views  
Reservoir Dogs
Mr. Pink: You're acting like a first year fucking thief! I'm acting like a professional!
by Reservoir Dogs
0 votes   419 views  
My Cousin Vinny
Bill: At my cousin Ruthie's wedding, the groom's brother was that guy Alakazam. You know who ...
by My Cousin Vinny
0 votes   419 views  
Celeste Talbert: Even for an actor, you're an egomaniac!
by Soapdish
0 votes   419 views  
Jetsons: The Movie
[explaining how the factory works] Rudy 2: There's the drilling bore. It brings up the ore. ...
by Jetsons: The Movie
0 votes   419 views  
Hard to Kill
[the owner of Mason Storm's former house enters a room where Storm has caused a ...
by Hard To Kill
0 votes   419 views  
In the Shadow of the Moon
Michael Collins: I kind of have two moons in my head, I guess, whereas most people ...
by In The Shadow Of The Moon
0 votes   419 views  
American Fork
Truman Hope: You remind me of a character I once read in a novel... I just ...
by American Fork
0 votes   419 views  
Mike Reynolds
We wanted to guard them closer. But I didn`t know they were 0-for-10. They came ...
by Mike Reynolds
0 votes   418 views  
Michelle Forbes
About her character on Battlestar Galactica (2004): I tend to play a lot of authoritative, ...
by Michelle Forbes
0 votes   418 views  
Kevin Conroy
I love doing the voice of Batman because of the quality of the animation. The ...
by Kevin Conroy
0 votes   418 views  
Kathleen Robertson
I`m really into antiques. But really into it because of my father, who got me ...
by Kathleen Robertson
0 votes   418 views  
Jennifer Lee
We have no problem bringing (young) people out for hikes and social activities. But when ...
by Jennifer Lee
0 votes   418 views  
Juliette Binoche
Going to South Africa (Country of My Skull (2004)) has changed me utterly. I have ...
by Juliette Binoche
0 votes   418 views  
Jimmy Stewart
You hear so much about the old movie moguls and the impersonal factories where there ...
by Jimmy Stewart
0 votes   418 views  
Giancarlo Esposito
I started in the acting business at age 8, so I feel it`s my experience ...
by Giancarlo Esposito
0 votes   418 views  
Forest Whitaker
(On his best work) If I were to mark three, I`d mark Bird, because I ...
by Forest Whitaker
0 votes   418 views  
David Johansen
Every singer who`s worth his salt is an actor. You play different characters in different ...
by David Johansen
0 votes   418 views  
Danny Masterson
If I could make millions of dollars being a softball player, I would quit acting ...
by Danny Masterson
0 votes   418 views  
Ben Johnson
Everybody in town`s a better actor than I am, but none of them can play ...
by Ben Johnson
0 votes   418 views  
Brendan Fraser
As sophisticated as the technology gets, the less sophisticated you have to become as an ...
by Brendan Fraser
0 votes   418 views  
Ben Foster
(On creating his characters) Every role, every gig, you have to find a quality and ...
by Ben Foster
0 votes   418 views  
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