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Mr. Deeds
Preston Blake: [writing in his diary] "I am a volcano of lust. My soul has been ...
by Mr. Deeds
0 votes   507 views  

Van Wilder
Van Wilder: [while standing pantless next to the freshman] But you know what I've learned in ...
by Van Wilder
0 votes   505 views  
In the Line of Fire
Leary: The irony is so thick you could choke on it. Horrigan: There's no fuckin' irony, Mitch. ...
by In The Line Of Fire
0 votes   498 views  
Little Black Book
Stacy: I believe we write our own stories and each time we think we know the ...
by Little Black Book
0 votes   497 views  
Sam Witwicky: [presenting his assignment] So, for my genealogy report, I decided to write on my ...
by Transformers
0 votes   494 views  
Never Been Kissed
Josie Geller: Somebody once said, "To write well, you have to write what you know." Well, ...
by Never Been Kissed
0 votes   493 views  
The Promotion
[Richard explains to the board of directors the sign that cited the deli clerk as ...
by The Promotion
0 votes   491 views  
Cruel Intentions
[Sebastian has just caught Greg in bed with Blaine] Greg McConnell: This could ruin my career, ...
by Cruel Intentions
0 votes   490 views  
Almost Famous
Jeff Bebe: I can't say anymore with the writer here. Russell Hammond: No, no, no. You can ...
by Almost Famous
0 votes   489 views  
Sister Act
[first lines] [in a classroom in 1968] Nun: Who can name all the apostles? Yes, Deloris? ...
by Sister Act
0 votes   488 views  
In Her Shoes
Maggie Feller: The art of losing isn't hard to master; so many things seem... f... filled... ...
by In Her Shoes
0 votes   485 views  
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
The Joker: [when Batman picks up the phone in Andrea's apartment] Hello, anybody home? Listen, boopsie, ...
by Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm
0 votes   483 views  
Love Comes to the Executioner
Ben Blesic: I have three people who would kill for the job. Two of whom can ...
by Love Comes To The Executioner
0 votes   482 views  
The War
[Elvadine was falsely accused of interrupting the teacher] Elvadine: Alright, I'll tell you. I was sayin' ...
by The War
0 votes   482 views  
A Few Good Men
Galloway: You get him on the stand and you get it from him! Kaffee: We get it ...
by A Few Good Men
0 votes   481 views  
Finding Neverland
J.M. Barrie: Write about your family, Write about the talking Whale. Peter Llewelyn Davies: What Whale? J.M. ...
by Finding Neverland
0 votes   480 views  
Raising Helen
[Helen starts to read Jenny's letter from Lindsay] Helen Harris: Dear Jenny, If you're reading this, ...
by Raising Helen
0 votes   477 views  
Street Kings
Grace Garcia: I'm sorry. You tried to save him. You did your best. Tom Ludlow: My best? ...
by Street Kings
0 votes   476 views  
A Love Song for Bobby Long
Bobby Long: Lawson is not in love with you. Georgianna: Bobby, I don't think thats any of ...
by A Love Song For Bobby Long
0 votes   476 views  
Saving Private Ryan
Gen. George C. Marshall: My dear Mrs Ryan: It's with the most profound sense of joy ...
by Saving Private Ryan
0 votes   476 views  
Ernst Lubitsch
You could name the great stars of the silent screen who were finished; the great ...
by Ernst Lubitsch
0 votes   475 views  
The Jack Bull
Judge Tolliver: Well, I worry about you and me, Judge Wilkins. I swear to God I ...
by The Jack Bull
0 votes   475 views  
Christopher Hampton
Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost how ...
by Christopher Hampton
0 votes   474 views  
[first lines] [palmetto bug chirping over typical prison sounds] Harry Barber: They're not as bad as ...
by Palmetto
0 votes   474 views  
Abe: What's wrong with our hands? Aaron: [has his arms tightly wrapped around his chest, his hands ...
by Primer
0 votes   472 views  
Henry & June
Henry Miller: Hell of a place you got here, Hugo. Peaceful. Been here long? Hugo Guiler: Just ...
by Henry & June
0 votes   470 views  
Game 6
Elliott Litvak: I can't write one word without imagining what his response is going to be. ...
by Game 6
0 votes   469 views  
James Purefoy
In the July 4, 2001 Newswatch, Wild West End column: There was one woman whom ...
by James Purefoy
0 votes   468 views  
Down with Love
Barbara Novak: I'm not gonna storm out of here, Catch. And I'm not gonna admit that ...
by Down With Love
0 votes   468 views  
Big Daddy
Sonny: What's your name, he'll write it on the wall... mind your business!
by Big Daddy
0 votes   468 views  
Never Back Down
Vocabulary Guy: So what do you guys want to write about? Baja Miller: How about pride? Jake ...
by Never Back Down
0 votes   468 views  
Synecdoche, New York
Caden Cotard: I wanted to ask you, how old are kids when they start to write? ...
by Synecdoche, New York
0 votes   467 views  
Hans Zimmer
I`d never written for talking fuzzy animals before. I knew how to write to human ...
by Hans Zimmer
0 votes   465 views  
The Kingdom
Attorney General Gideon Young: I'm gonna bury you. FBI Director James Grace: You know, Westmoreland made all ...
by The Kingdom
0 votes   465 views  
Scary Movie 3
[the phone rings after Cody watches the tape] Cindy: Hello? Tabitha's Voice: It's me. How you doing? ...
by Scary Movie 3
0 votes   462 views  
Chantal Kreviazuk
When I was 21, I got into a motorcycle accident while traveling in Europe and ...
by Chantal Kreviazuk
0 votes   460 views  
Holly Valance
Whether you`ve done anything wrong or not people will write whatever they want, so it`s ...
by Holly Valance
0 votes   459 views  
The Squid and the Whale
Bernard Berkman: What is it about high school, you read all the worst books by good ...
by The Squid And The Whale
0 votes   459 views  
A Thin Line Between Love and Hate
Parking Attendant: [while arguing with Tee over a parking ticket] But the time is expired! Tee: [while ...
by A Thin Line Between Love And Hate
0 votes   458 views  
Jelena Jankovic
It`s just natural I just started to play like this I just hit the ball ...
by Jelena Jankovic
0 votes   456 views  
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