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The Final Cut
Delila: Why are you here? You know it doesn't work between us. Alan Hakman: I can change. ...
by The Final Cut
0 votes   397 views  

Jada Jennsen: You're getting really high 'zzzzzzz' on our Buzz-ometer. What are some of your hobbies? ...
by Ultrachrist!
0 votes   397 views  
Bat Thumb
Bank customer: Hi, I'd like to make a deposit. Female bank worker: [gasps in disgust and slaps ...
by Bat Thumb
0 votes   397 views  
Leonard Shelby: Sammy Jankis wrote himself endless notes. But he'd get mixed up. I've got a ...
by Memento
0 votes   397 views  
Minority Report
[Officer Fletcher, on a jet pack, lands in front of Anderton] John Anderton: Rough landing... have ...
by Minority Report
0 votes   397 views  
Teaching Mrs. Tingle
Mrs. Tingle: Mr. Churner? Dare I even ask? [Luke rises from his desk, walks up to ...
by Teaching Mrs. Tingle
0 votes   397 views  
Scream 2
Gale: So I am heading down to Admissions to do some legwork, you game? Dewey: I'm not ...
by Scream 2
0 votes   397 views  
As Good as It Gets
Dr. Martin Bettes: My wife is Melvin Udall's publisher. She said that I was to take ...
by As Good As It Gets
0 votes   397 views  
Saw IV
[last lines] Jigsaw: You feel you now have control, don't you? You think you will walk ...
by Saw IV
0 votes   397 views  
Kerry Collins
Whatever the public perception may have been of Randy, I have nothing bad to say ...
by Kerry Collins
0 votes   396 views  
Jonathan King
We worked as a team... I was one of the band.
by Jonathan King
0 votes   396 views  
Dark Ride
Jen: Cathy, it could be fun. Cathy: That's right, Jen. It could also not be fun. See ...
by Dark Ride
0 votes   396 views  
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
[after rescuing her in the harbor] Kostos: [Greek dialogue] Lena: I'm sorry, I-I don't speak Greek very ...
by The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants
0 votes   396 views  
A Good Year
Christie Roberts: I spend summers working in a vineyard in California. Francis Duflot: [Chuckles] In California, they ...
by A Good Year
0 votes   396 views  
Calvin: Come on guys, this is bull crap. Where the hell's my chicken sandwich? Floyd: [Picks up ...
by Waiting...
0 votes   396 views  
Lucky You
Pawnbroker: You work this hard at your day job?
by Lucky You
0 votes   396 views  
[Why Mitch started doing pottery] Detective Mitch Preston: My ex and I were on the rocks, ...
by Showtime
0 votes   396 views  
Jon: You don't like my work? Vin: I like it like I like a shot of whiskey ...
by Tape
0 votes   396 views  
Gangs of New York
Bill: Anything in your pockets? Jenny: I ain't started working yet.
by Gangs Of New York
0 votes   396 views  
Mushu: You know, we have to work on your people skills.
by Mulan
0 votes   396 views  
Sling Blade
Bill Cox: How are you coming along with that garden tiller? Karl: I fixed it. It's workin' ...
by Sling Blade
0 votes   396 views  
Bullets Over Broadway
Sheldon Flender: [bragging] I have never had a play produced. That's right. And I've written one ...
by Bullets Over Broadway
0 votes   396 views  
Night on Earth
Paris Driver: I work from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m., so don't fuck with me in ...
by Night On Earth
0 votes   396 views  
Don Salvatore Faranzano: [after Coll gets the drop on Lansky, Siegel and Costello] ... Kill 'em! ...
by Mobsters
0 votes   396 views  
The Other Boleyn Girl
Sir Thomas Boleyn: And these rooms, our new position? Does none of my work please you? ...
by The Other Boleyn Girl
0 votes   396 views  
[last lines] Red: Mr. Flippers! Nicky Flippers: I see you all got my message. Glad you could ...
by Hoodwinked!
0 votes   396 views  
Pola Negri
I consider my work great, as I am a great artist.
by Pola Negri
0 votes   395 views  
Henry Moore
It is a mistake for a sculptor or a painter to speak or write very ...
by Henry Moore
0 votes   395 views  
Carol Alt
I never thought I was the most beautiful model out there or the most sexy ...
by Carol Alt
0 votes   395 views  
Without a Paddle
Tom Marshall: [as a bear sniffs around Dan] Stay calm. Get in the fetal position. It ...
by Without A Paddle
0 votes   395 views  
Miles Evans: For pay, I got a room at a hundred dollars a month, which you ...
by Levity
0 votes   395 views  
Martin & Orloff
[first lines] Martin: [answering machine] Hello, this is Martin Flam's phone. Please leave a message. Ron: [leaving ...
by Martin & Orloff
0 votes   395 views  
Dirt Merchant
Detective Harry Ball: You have the right to shut up. Anything you say, can and will ...
by Dirt Merchant
0 votes   395 views  
The Insider
Jeffrey Wigand: I'm just a commodity to you, aren't I? I could be anything. Right? Anything ...
by The Insider
0 votes   395 views  
Right Hand Man: Who's that... that moron, the one who used to work in your sector. ...
by Schizopolis
0 votes   395 views  
Kristin Davis
[On motherhood]: I`m open. Adoption is wonderful. I think there are many different ways to ...
by Kristin Davis
0 votes   394 views  
John Davis
We have a longer window to get it right. We sketch out scenes and can ...
by John Davis
0 votes   394 views  
Ayumi Hamasaki
The way I work, typically, I do everything at the very last minute. Even if ...
by Ayumi Hamasaki
1 votes   394 views  
White Oleander
Rena: Workers of the world arise. You've got nothing to lose but Visa card, happy meal, ...
by White Oleander
-1 votes   394 views  
The Last Days of Disco
Bernie Rafferty: So you don't know anything about this investigation. Des McGrath: No!... Well, a sort of ...
by The Last Days Of Disco
0 votes   394 views  
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