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You Stupid Man
Chloe: Wait, it's not what you think. Owen: Oh, no? I suppose you guys were not having ...
by You Stupid Man
0 votes   415 views  

Sloan Hopkins: I want you to look at this shit. Look to what you contributed to!
by Bamboozled
0 votes   415 views  
Forever Fabulous
Corinne Daly: This may not look like the face of a seductress, but I decided that ...
by Forever Fabulous
0 votes   415 views  
Isabel: You look tired. Jackie Harrison: I hate when people say that. It's like a polite way ...
by Stepmom
0 votes   415 views  
The War at Home
Bob Collier: Look, I know you had a rough time over there. Jeremy Collier: 'Over there'! You ...
by The War At Home
0 votes   415 views  
Trent: I'm gonna find me two waitresses here and I'm gonna pull me a Fredo. Mike: Yeah, ...
by Swingers
0 votes   415 views  
Born to Be Wild
Det. Lou Greenberg: [stares furiously at Bob] The dog just peed on my leg! Bob the ...
by Born To Be Wild
0 votes   415 views  
William Wallace: [to a swaying Hamish] You all right? You look a wee bit shaky. Hamish: Shoulda ...
by Braveheart
0 votes   415 views  
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
Yvette: [to Louis] Are you not hungry sir? Lestat: Aux contraire mon cher, he could eat the ...
by Interview With The Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
0 votes   415 views  
Kevin: That looks good. Can I try some? Gary Young: Sure. Go ahead. [Kevin tries the dip ...
by Houseguest
0 votes   415 views  
Meredith Johnson: [about Susan] I guess it can be a bit inhibitating Tom Sanders: What's that? Meredith ...
by Disclosure
0 votes   415 views  
Blank Check
Biderman: [after breaking into the Waters' house] Looks like no one's home. Carl Quigley: Shut up, Wienerman! ...
by Blank Check
0 votes   415 views  
Last Action Hero
Jack Slater: Look! Elephant!
by Last Action Hero
0 votes   415 views  
Death Becomes Her
[Helen pours alcohol all over Madeline's car and then dumps the bottles inside, revealing dozens ...
by Death Becomes Her
0 votes   415 views  
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Buffy: I thought that look was over. Kimberly: Well, it's Retro.
by Buffy The Vampire Slayer
0 votes   415 views  
Funny People
Clarke: Have you worked with Cameron Diaz? That girl is hot, isn't she? Fuck! [laughs, then ...
by Funny People
0 votes   415 views  
Super Sweet 16: The Movie
Chloe Spears: And next year, when I turn 18... I'm totally gonna be America's Next Top ...
by Super Sweet 16: The Movie
0 votes   415 views  
In the Shadow of the Moon
Alan Bean: I always thought of myself as one of the more fearful astronauts, really. And ...
by In The Shadow Of The Moon
0 votes   415 views  
Nick Stahl
If I had some fake tanner, I`d like to play `Ernesto `Che` Guevara` . I ...
by Nick Stahl
0 votes   414 views  
Jeremy Hall
We walked outside and one of the GID guys outside said the transformer just blew. ...
by Jeremy Hall
0 votes   414 views  
David Young
Ulster will be a much tougher side than Connacht so we will be looking for ...
by David Young
0 votes   414 views  
Dirk Bogarde
Childhood for me was basically a backyard, a spade and a bucket of mud with ...
by Dirk Bogarde
-1 votes   414 views  
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
Sheriff Hoyt: [Hoyt looks at Monty's freshly severed leg cut off by Leatherface] Look at that, ...
by The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
0 votes   414 views  
Seed of Chucky
[after running off a Britney look alike off the road] Chucky: Oops! I did it again. ...
by Seed Of Chucky
0 votes   414 views  
Taking Lives
Martin Asher: That guy was nothing, alright? I didn't take his life, I lived it. I ...
by Taking Lives
0 votes   414 views  
A Cinderella Story
Fiona: Where are your skates? They're part of the uniform. Rhonda: Fiona, if I wanted to look ...
by A Cinderella Story
0 votes   414 views  
Marcela Howard: Well he is fast. Tom Smith: [looking down at the ground] Yeah... in every direction.
by Seabiscuit
0 votes   414 views  
Out of Step
Jenny Thomas: Morning. Desiree Porter: Hey. Did you have fun last night? Jenny Thomas: Oh yes, a blast. ...
by Out Of Step
0 votes   414 views  
Stanley: [looking at "God's Thumb"] Say, what does that look like to you? [he and Zero ...
by Holes
0 votes   414 views  
Boy: [to Jimmy] You cut a patch in my head! Eddie: Shane, look over there! He cut ...
by Barbershop
0 votes   414 views  
Wrong Turn
[Scott pretends to fall] Carly: That is not funny. Scott: Look's who scared now... sorry Carly: Whatever, just ...
by Wrong Turn
0 votes   414 views  
Sidewalks of New York
Griffin 'Griff' Ritso: You have the look of the new millennium.
by Sidewalks Of New York
0 votes   414 views  
Bad Boys II
[Snell and his team, and the TNT squad, want to go to Cuba with Mike ...
by Bad Boys II
0 votes   414 views  
Romeo Must Die
Han Sing: I can't hit a girl. Trish: Look, I don't know how it is in China, ...
by Romeo Must Die
0 votes   414 views  
Patch Adams
Hunter Patch Adams: [Patch stands on a cliff, contemplating suicide] So what now, huh? What do ...
by Patch Adams
0 votes   414 views  
Max Conners: He doesn't look so bad in this light. Page Conners: Oh, yeah. His liver spots ...
by Heartbreakers
0 votes   414 views  
Small Soldiers
Christy Fimple: Any sigh of the Gorgonites? Alan: No, not a thing. Phil Fimple: [calling off shot] Come ...
by Small Soldiers
0 votes   414 views  
Quest for Camelot
Kayley: Why won't you look at me when I'm talking to you?... Oh. Oh, I didn't ...
by Quest For Camelot
0 votes   414 views  
Edwina "Eddie" Franklin: Was that your mistake, Mr. Rodman? I think so. Dennis Rodman: Your team don't ...
by Eddie
0 votes   414 views  
Dead Man
Cole Wilson: [seeing a dead marshal's head lying on a woodpile] Looks like a goddamn religious ...
by Dead Man
0 votes   414 views  
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