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Patriot Games
Insp. Robert Highland: [to Sean Miller] Although l disapprove of the things you've done, l can't ...
by Patriot Games
0 votes   422 views  

Celeste Talbert: Even for an actor, you're an egomaniac!
by Soapdish
0 votes   422 views  
The Doors
Pamela: You actually put your dick in this woman? Jim Morrison: Well... sometimes, yeah.
by The Doors
0 votes   422 views  
Hard to Kill
[the owner of Mason Storm's former house enters a room where Storm has caused a ...
by Hard To Kill
0 votes   422 views  
The Judge: By the way, that's a shame about your face. Hatchet-Face: There's nothing the matter with ...
by Cry-Baby
0 votes   422 views  
Command Performance
Venus: Joe, don't get killed. Joe: You know when this is over I wanna renegotiate my royalty ...
by Command Performance
0 votes   422 views  
In the Shadow of the Moon
Michael Collins: I kind of have two moons in my head, I guess, whereas most people ...
by In The Shadow Of The Moon
0 votes   422 views  
The Darjeeling Limited
Peter: You know, maybe right before whenever you're about to take out your tooth, you should ...
by The Darjeeling Limited
0 votes   422 views  
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties
Garfield: This is a huge mistake, Jon. One of your biggest. Don't roam. Stay home. Odie ...
by Garfield: A Tail Of Two Kitties
0 votes   422 views  
Mare Winningham
I would have been drawn to this play anyway because I love the idea of ...
by Mare Winningham
0 votes   421 views  
Kevin Conroy
I love doing the voice of Batman because of the quality of the animation. The ...
by Kevin Conroy
0 votes   421 views  
Keith Brewer
We`d like to move forward to be above the national average. If you take the ...
by Keith Brewer
0 votes   421 views  
Kathleen Robertson
I`m really into antiques. But really into it because of my father, who got me ...
by Kathleen Robertson
0 votes   421 views  
Jon Seda
I ran into a couple of guys who were boxers. They talked me into working ...
by Jon Seda
0 votes   421 views  
Holly Hunter
Actors do movies because you want to make a connection, you want an audience to ...
by Holly Hunter
0 votes   421 views  
Guillaume Canet
As for what I`d like to be in the future, it is easy : I`d ...
by Guillaume Canet
0 votes   421 views  
Donatella Versace
You can`t pretend that everybody likes Versace. It would be boring. It`s better to create ...
by Donatella Versace
0 votes   421 views  
Ben Johnson
Everybody in town`s a better actor than I am, but none of them can play ...
by Ben Johnson
0 votes   421 views  
Brendan Fraser
As sophisticated as the technology gets, the less sophisticated you have to become as an ...
by Brendan Fraser
0 votes   421 views  
Anthony Jackson
The fact is, these Marines have probably prevented another war with the mission they`ve accomplished.
by Anthony Jackson
0 votes   421 views  
Al Kaline
What gets me upset about with the newer players is their lack of intensity. They ...
by Al Kaline
0 votes   421 views  
Abdul Hodge
We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always ...
by Abdul Hodge
0 votes   421 views  
The Dukes of Hazzard
Bo Duke: [during car chase in Atlanta] Okay where's the highway? Katie Johnson: I don't know don't ...
by The Dukes Of Hazzard
0 votes   421 views  
Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie
Soda Vendor: So, who's the actor in this group? Ron White: Oh, there are no actors. Believe ...
by Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie
0 votes   421 views  
American Splendor
Real Harvey: [the real Harvey Pekar introduces his on-screen character] OK. This guy here, he's our ...
by American Splendor
0 votes   421 views  
Barbara Mori
I was 18 when I started to study acting. And was studying only five months ...
by Barbara Mori
0 votes   421 views  
Puddle Cruiser
Julie: Is Matt okay? Grogan: He looks pretty good to me. Julie: Well, does he have a girlfriend? ...
by Puddle Cruiser
0 votes   421 views  
Kit: [looking around] Hey! Freddy? Dave: You heard me Kincade, don't act dumb! Where's the plutonium? Kit: Key, ...
by Bowfinger
0 votes   421 views  
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
[Fitz decides to contact Haddonfield about Michael Myers] Det. Matt Sampson: All right, you tell 'em ...
by Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
0 votes   421 views  
Eyes Wide Shut
Dr. Bill Harford: Now, where exactly are we going... exactly? Gayle: Where the rainbow ends. Dr. Bill ...
by Eyes Wide Shut
0 votes   421 views  
L.A. Confidential
Lynn Bracken: There's blood on your jacket. Is that an integral part of your job? Bud ...
by L.A. Confidential
0 votes   421 views  
Anna: You're very compulsive. Sam: Actually, I'm committing suicide on the installment plan.
by Habit
0 votes   421 views  
The Lion King
Scar: [after forcing Simba to the edge of a cliff while a fire burns below] Oh, ...
by The Lion King
0 votes   421 views  
Son in Law
Connie: She's obviously made up her mind, so let's just handle this like mature adults. Walter: Right, ...
by Son In Law
0 votes   421 views  
Reservoir Dogs
Mr. Pink: You're acting like a first year fucking thief! I'm acting like a professional!
by Reservoir Dogs
0 votes   421 views  
Sheriff Lloyd Parsons: [introducing Delbert to Doctor Atherton] Excuse me. Professor? This is our town exterminator. ...
by Arachnophobia
0 votes   421 views  
John Norris
When people that are making $150,000 a year are complaining about having to drive the ...
by John Norris
0 votes   420 views  
Joe Anderson
[on working with Julie Taymor] She`s like working with an, I don`t know, atom bomb. ...
by Joe Anderson
0 votes   420 views  
Jay Sekulow
This no longer puts the abortion issue in the abstract with the Supreme Court. This ...
by Jay Sekulow
0 votes   420 views  
Forest Whitaker
(On his best work) If I were to mark three, I`d mark Bird, because I ...
by Forest Whitaker
0 votes   420 views  
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