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Moorish Idol |
These thin fishes sport a combination of black and white with an essence of yellow near the tail. The Moorish Idol is among the costliest fishes that aquarists flaunt in their aquariums. Many people often mix the Moorish Idol with another similar looking breed of fish called the Bannerfish or the False Idol. The fact is, Moorish Idols are rarer than the ordinary Bannerfishes. |
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Discus |
Discus is often considered as the best looking freshwater fish. It is shaped like a compressed disk and that is where is gets the name from. Discus is found in South America is very popular among aquarists. They also come for a good price with a baby Discus ranging around $50 to $80. |
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Mandarinfish |
Mandarinfish, also called the Mandarin Goby, is a saltwater fish which is liked for its bright colours. They live in reefs of the Pacific and like the shelter of lagoons and inshore reefs. Despite of the popular demand, it is hard to maintain Mandarinfish as they do not adapt easily to life in an aquarium. |
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Coral Beauty |
They are a small breed of angelfish and one of the most loved fishes in an aquarium. These fishes sport bright colours and are found in the coral reefs. That is how they got their name. Unlike the other fishes, Coral Beauty is not that rare but definitely one of the best looking. |
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African Cichlids |
These freshwater fishes are found only in the three African lakes – Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi. Apart from the Frontosoa Species, African Cichlids generally grow a little more than half-feet in length. Another breed of Cichlids, larger and more aggressive, is found in the Amazon basin. |
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Parrotfish |
These fishes earn their name for their parrot-beak shaped mouth. They are found in the low-depth reefs of the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea. Almost 90 different species of the parrotfish family exist with 10 genera. They are often bright in colour, a big example of which is the Timor. On full growth, a parrotfish can be around 30-40 cm in length. |