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March 2024
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1 Jan 352 celebrities
4 Apr 312 celebrities
14 Feb 310 celebrities
3 Mar 290 celebrities
17 Jan 289 celebrities
12 Feb 289 celebrities
19 Sep 283 celebrities
1 Mar 279 celebrities
7 Mar 278 celebrities
16 Oct 278 celebrities
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Famous Personalities born in March.
Elliott Murphy
Elliott Murphy
March 16, 1949
Eloise Taylor
Eloise Taylor
March 2, 2003
Fredrik Jonsson
Fredrik Jonsson
March 28, 1977

George Pearson
George Pearson
March 19, 1875
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione
March 23, 1609
Gordon Mumma
Gordon Mumma
March 30, 1935
Herman van Veen
Herman van Veen
March 14, 1945
Ion Caramitru
Ion Caramitru
March 9, 1942
Jeffrey Chodorow
Jeffrey Chodorow
March 2, 1950
Jeff MacMillan
Jeff MacMillan
March 30, 1979
Johan Lindstrom
Johan Lindstrom
March 31, 1979
Kalevi Aho
Kalevi Aho
March 9, 1949
Kristen Johnson
Kristen Johnson
March 16, 1982
Kyle Downes
Kyle Downes
March 18, 1983
Luke Tarsitano
Luke Tarsitano
March 18, 1990
Marc-Andre Gragnani
Marc-Andre Gragnani
March 11, 1987
Margaret Fingerhut
Margaret Fingerhut
March 30, 1955
Pat Daley
Pat Daley
March 27, 1959
Petri Skriko
Petri Skriko
March 12, 1962
Riku Helenius
Riku Helenius
March 3, 1988
Robyn Malcolm
Robyn Malcolm
March 15, 1965
Ron Fassler
Ron Fassler
March 4, 1957
Ruslan Bashkirov
Ruslan Bashkirov
March 7, 1989
Tomas Kloucek
Tomas Kloucek
March 7, 1980
Tom Tilley
Tom Tilley
March 28, 1965
Zaraah Abrahams
Zaraah Abrahams
March 27, 1987
Colin Nelson
Colin Nelson
March 13, 1938
Dick Schneider
Dick Schneider
March 21, 1948
Edith Grossman
Edith Grossman
March 22, 1936
Fred Johnson
Fred Johnson
March 10, 1894
John Woodnutt
John Woodnutt
March 3, 1924
Kevin Hodson
Kevin Hodson
March 27, 1972
Marit Andreassen
Marit Andreassen
March 29, 1966
Melleny Brown
Melleny Brown
March 20, 1947
Michel Ouellet
Michel Ouellet
March 5, 1982
Mike Toal
Mike Toal
March 23, 1959
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Error at line: 1055 : Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'famousw_famousdata.celebrity.c_views' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

SqlSELECT COUNT(c_id) as counter,c_category FROM celebrity WHERE c_category != '' GROUP BY c_category ORDER BY c_views DESC LIMIT 20